This page will continue to be updated as additional features are added to the system and confirmation of waivers are finalized. NOTE: Waivers have been extended to August 31, 2020.
CACFP & SFSP sponsors are using Link2Feed’s nonprofit software in their COVID response to help with the following challenges:
- Implementing Social Distancing- Eliminating passing of paper forms, mobile monitoring
- Improving Claim Accuracy/Submission Time- Through real-time access to information
- Increasing Meal Availability- Using data to improve ordering/delivery and reduce waste, carry over tracking for shelf stable meals
- Reducing Admin Time- Allowing them to focus on emergency response
As FNS and states finalize waivers for these programs, we are quickly adapting our system to accommodate additional requirements. Here is how Link2Feed’s nonprofit software can be leveraged to adapt to current waivers:
Congregate Feeding Waiver
The Link2Feed software does not require meals to be served in a congregate setting, so it can accommodate “grab and go” style for all sponsors and sites.
Meal Time Waiver
Meal times in Link2Feed’s nonprofit software can be expanded, adjusted or removed to accommodate the meal time waiver.
The following changes have also been made to accommodate distributing multiple meals in one meal service:
- CACFP Application- Multiple meal services for different meal types can be run at the same time
- SFSP- An additional row of ticker boxes has been added for each meal type being served during each meal service
On-Site Monitoring Waiver
Link2Feed can assist with “desk monitoring,” as sponsors are able to view in-progress meal services from their own device.
See also “Transition to SFSP” and “Training Support” below.
Meal Pattern Waiver
Our partners Health-e Pro and KidKare are happy to assist in any menu planning needs, including adjusting to the new meal pattern options.
Additional Support- New Clients in Link2Feed’s Nonprofit Software
Setup Fees Waived
Link2Feed will waive the setup fee and provide expedited training/setup (including site training support if needed) for any new customers who sign a one-year agreement.
Additional Support- Existing Clients in Link2Feed’s Nonprofit Software
Please contact your account manager if we can assist with any of the following:
Contract Caps Waived
Contract caps are waived for all sponsors until June 30, 2020. If additional sites are required to accommodate your COVID response, our support team can enable them for you at no additional cost.
Transition to SFSP
We can assist in transitioning from the CACFP application to the SFSP application if you choose to adjust your programming.
Training Support
Our accounts team is happy to provide direct training and onboarding for new sites to support sponsors as they adjust their partners and program offerings.
Pickup Waiver
As your state develops their documentation plan for the pickup waiver, please let us know so we can assess how to support this waiver for you.