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The Salvation Army Pathway of Hope Increases Client Stability for 80% Using Link2Feed’s Nonprofit Case Management Software

Shifting from emergency response to long-term poverty relief

The Salvation of Army Pathway of Hope (POH) initiative represents a shift in practices from emergency response to long-term, self-sufficient solutions surrounding employment, housing, financial stability, childcare and much more.

The initiative uses three core sociological theories based on strengths, behavioural change and hope in a six-step process targeted at creating increased levels of stability for clients and breaking the cycle of poverty. Given the challenges of manual processes and a complex workflow, The Salvation Army of Canada & Bermuda needed a software system to support further implementation of Pathway of Hope beyond the pilot phase.

To scale the initiative across the country, The Salvation Army of Canada adopted Link2Feed’s assessments and goals features to help automate the outreach, follow-up, and measurement aspects of the initiative.

Leveraging Link2Feed’s nonprofit case management software features

The Salvation Army adopted the Link2Feed Assessments tool as an essential part of the Pathway of Hope process. Each client starts by completing an initial benchmark assessment, then throughout their involvement completes reassessments at fixed intervals to allow for tracking and points of comparison. By tracking these assessments in Link2Feed, they’re able to understand where someone started and how the initiative has helped improve key aspects of their lives.

They also use the goals feature to set goals and corresponding objectives (action steps) to help clients state their long-term, result-oriented goals and have a clear strategy and timeline for executing them.

This all comes together in nation-wide reporting that quantifies things like the improvements clients are making between assessments, the number of goals that have been completed, and the length of time it takes to complete goals. The Salvation Army uses the Link2Feed data to produce their annual Pathway of Hope Impact Report.

Proven outcomes using Link2Feed data

By tracking assessments and client goals in Link2Feed’s nonprofit case management software, Pathway of Hope has been able to analyze key indicators to ensure that the initiative is working. 80.5% of participants have experienced increased stability within an average of 8 months and 73.2% of participants have increased levels of hope while engaged in the initiative giving them confidence that there is a positive future ahead.

By using Link2Feed’s nonprofit case management software, Pathway of Hope has been able to effectively track outcomes at scale and provide meaningful change for clients like Lola, who had found new housing and completed PSW training and Toby who obtained full-time employment.

“Having our entire Pathway of Hope process in Link2Feed has been incredible!  We’ve been able to reduce our data analysis and reporting time from a few weeks down to just a few hours because of the system, but most importantly, we’ve created stability for over 625 people and counting. Link2Feed is equipping us to make an impact on communities across Canada and in Bermuda” – Matthew Craggs, Training and Evaluation Specialist at The Salvation Army, Canada & Bermuda Territory.

To learn more about how the Salvation Army Pathway of Hope used Link2Feed’s new Goals and Assessments features for case management and to improve client outcomes, watch the webinar recording here or view a copy of the webinar slides here.

Learn more about the Link2Feed Premium Package Features here.


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