Building a Better Future
Community Action Agencies
Community Action Agencies are at the heart of almost every neighborhood in the United States. Built on a foundation of self-sufficiency and empowerment, Link2Feed understands that Community Action Agencies like yours are crucial for changing people's lives and improving communities to make America a better place to live.

Innovating to Improve Access
Drive Local Impact
When it comes to impacting change, your Community Action Agency isn’t afraid to put boots on the ground. Whether it’s teaching financial literacy or empowering successful employment through training opportunities, your organization is dedicated to outcome-based decision making that’s locally focused.

Depend on data to lift people out of poverty and drive community empowerment.
Your programs are designed to be outcome-driven and evidence-based, so data integrity and easy access to statistics is vital to help you understand the services your community needs most.
Navigating TEFAP and CSFP compliance and reporting requirements is exhausting.
While one agency can spark change, dozens can move mountains. Building a networked approach with agencies throughout your community helps keep the overarching mission clear and data consistent.
Refer community members to the services and resources they need to flourish.
Track goals and outcomes with accuracy. Clean data and de-duplicated client counts are instrumental for knowing exactly who you serve in the community and how you can help them.
Software as a Community Service
Core Software Offering
Reduce errors and increase the information gathered from your clients with intuitive software that’s built with your community in mind.
Case Management Software
Our user-friendly Case Management Software helps Community Action Agencies like yours track a wide range of programs (including CSFP and TEFAP) and easily report on actionable client outcomes.
CACFP & SFSP Software
Go paperless and increase reimbursements from your meal services with Link2Feed’s fully mobile Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) point of service software.
Helping Communities Thrive
Customer Case Studies
See how Link2Feed has helped Community Action Agencies like yours customize their software configuration to suit their unique requirements and increase their impact locally.
Building Stronger Communities Together
Data Plays a Powerful Role
“Link2Feed really enlightened us about how data plays a powerful role in serving the community. Upon getting nutritional food into the hands of low-income individuals, we want to use data to dig deeper into their needs and goals beyond food, to connect with them better and essentially evolve our programs to provide the services they’re looking for. We look forward to hiring coordinators to help transition all agencies in our network to Link2Feed.”